Rise Fundraising

Fundraisers are vital to our success. By creating a simple campaign for Rise and raising funds through your network, you will be making a tangible difference.

Ways to Fundraise

Facebook Fundraiser

It’s simple to create a Facebook campaign to raise funds through your network. Just click on “select non-profit” and type in “Rise Alliance for Children” to get started.

Online Fundraiser

Email kelly@rise-children.org to set up your own online fundraiser!

Host a Fundraiser

Have you thought about hosting a fundraiser to benefit Rise? From a coin drive, to a bake sale, to a get together at a local venue where attendees are charged a small fee to enter, to a business gifting a percentage of their profits–the possibilities are endless.

If you have any questions, please e-mail Kelly@rise-children.org.

Make a donation.

Donate now to ensure the most vulnerable children are introduced to safe and structured learning–mitigating the negative effects of poverty and trauma on their early childhood development.